Posts’ final template: with ratings

JASON RANTZ September 15, 2023 1. RATINGS 2. ANALYSIS EX SUBTITLE 1 There is something really magnetic about Jason’s style.   The tone of his voice, the casualness with which he speaks.  His fantastic and dry sense of humor, always right there in the background. Here...

Posts’ final template

Greg & Dan October 4, 2023 1. PROGRAM ANALYSIS EX SUBTITLE 1 It’s great to have Dan back!   As you ease back in, I think it’s better for you to be more in reaction mode than trying to lead too many topics, or worry about “expert mode”.  All of that will come soon...

[sonaar_audioplayer albums=”4330″ artwork_id=”” player_layout=”skin_float_tracklist” show_skip_bt=”default” show_shuffle_bt=”default” show_speed_bt=”default” show_volume_bt=”default”...


[sonaar_audioplayer albums=”3681″ artwork_id=”” player_layout=”skin_float_tracklist” hide_progressbar=”default” display_control_artwork=”false” hide_artwork=”false”...