Mejor Practica Entrevista/Peter Tilden

Mejor Practica Entrevista/Peter Tilden

Mejor Práctica Entrevista/Peter Tilden Este es un ejemplo de audio que he utilizado muchas veces. Él es Peter Tilden, de ABC Radio en Los Ángeles, entrevistando a un hombre que intentó suicidarse tras saltar de la puente Golden Gate, pero sobrevivió. Nota: Es una...
A Snapshot of Global Radio Ratings

A Snapshot of Global Radio Ratings

A Snapshot of Global Radio Ratings This is a great way to see how iconic stations are doing and how specific formats are doing all over the world, compiled and updates continuously by Peter Waak at Radio Intelligence… [Click on the picture below to link to the...
Room Service Guy Changes How I Work

Room Service Guy Changes How I Work

Room Service Guy Changes How I Work This guy made me look at everything I do in a whole new way.  And he ruined almost all customer service for me, since he took it to a whooooole new level… Room Service Guy